My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic review

How can I not give credit where credit is due. The animation is solid, the characters are fun and there are some really nice lessons embedded in the story lines. That and Pinkie Pie is a force of nature. I like that.

Revolutionary Road review

I wanted so much more from this movie. I know it's a downer, but I really wanted it to be not a "rip out your heart and spit on it" kind of downer. I hate suburbia so very much and thought it was going to help me justify that hatred.

Breakfast at Tiffany's review

I know. I know. It was a "different time," but I just can't with the Mickey Rooney character. That being said, I just love the story and I'm honestly embarrassed that it has taken this long to see this all the way through. A must see!

Chef review

Finally took a minute to see Chef over the weekend and it lived up to the buzz. I loved the characters and the interaction between Carl and his son. Seemed very "real." Highly recommend Chef.

Denver review

Just drove through in 1998 - I'm thinking that if I were to visit for a week, I might never leave!

The Wolf of Wall Street review

I have to say the performances, especially Leonardo DiCaprio's, were really solid. However, this is just so counter to my sensibilities that I felt like I was watching a horror film. Stunning cast and edgy writing - interesting shot choices. All in all, I understand why it is popular, it was too much. Reminded me a bit of my ad sales days.

Gravity review

It is like no other movie I've ever seen. Beautiful filming to match outstanding performances, especially from Sandra Bullock.

Goats review

Such a nice cast and some fun performances, but it never gelled as a movie for me. I wanted more. The ending was a little "meh," too.

Super High Me review

good clean fun - loved the people in this, but there were some serious and thoughtful moments, too.

Modern Family review

Week in, week out - one of the best examples of comedy - and entertainment on television at the moment. It's a "not miss" at our house.