"Lea Thompson in her underpants helped Howard the Duck big time!"

"Words can not express the beauty of these images."

"This list makes me kind of sad. It is a great list, however. In most of these cases, the actor has lost a bit of their natural character in an effort to conform to what is thought of as "ideal."

"Very interesting. There were many on here that I was not familiar with."

"I do kind of see your point about T2. I might make a case for the Karate Kid franchise. The sequel completely took the emotional impact out of the first movie, imho."

"Someone tell Diane and Hilary they look much better with the extra weight - healthier... Great list!"

"Also didn't like the whole concept of Karate Kid 2. The first movie had him "trying to find balance and win the affection of a girl." In the second one, they had broken it off and he was on a new ad"

"This goes to show you that it is possible to make beautiful movie posters in our modern era."

"I have read on more than one occasion that Drew Carey is more of a libertarian. "I never thought I was a libertarian until I picked up Reason magazine and realized I agree with everything they h"

"I agree totally with the War of the Worlds comments. Spielberg can scare the daylights out of people when he wants to. Especially with his "don't show the monster until the last possible moment" t"